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Ernest Fedoseev
Ernest Fedoseev

Windows Live Mail Download Emails To Pc

Yes. It can run on a PC with Windows 11 or Windows 10. Previous versions of the OS shouldn't be a problem with Windows 8 and Windows 7 having been tested. Windows XP is supported. It comes in both 32-bit and 64-bit downloads.Filed under: Windows Live Mail DownloadFree Email SoftwareEmail Client SoftwareWe have tested Windows Live Mail 16.4.3528 against malware with several different programs. We certify that this program is clean of viruses, malware and trojans.Free Download for Windows 130.97 MB - Tested clean$$ Cost:Free Freeware

windows live mail download emails to pc

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Windows Mail is the default mail client included with Windows Vista.Windows Live Mail is the email client bundled with Windows Live Essentials. Both client programs store emails in the .eml file format. In order to export messages from Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail to Thunderbird, you must export messages from the Windows application and import them into Thunderbird. A similar method is needed to export contacts from Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail to Thunderbird.

If the option to delete emails from server was initially chosen during POP account configuration, emails would have been deleted from the mail server as they were downloaded to the email client, so the newly configured IMAP account will not contain these emails.

To avoid losing these emails during the switch from POP to IMAP, you must select the emails contained in the various folders (inbox, sub folders, trash or sent items) on your POP account, and drag and drop them into the respective folder within your newly configured IMAP account. To be safe, you can also move and store these emails in an external folder.

After your existing emails have been moved from your POP account to their corresponding newly configured IMAP folders (and after ensuring that no emails are missing), you can delete the existing POP-configured profile and its respective folders from your mail client. Then, continue using Xfinity Email through your new IMAP profile.

Since around 2013, serious problems with Windows Live Mail 2012 (but not with Windows Live Mail 2011) have been reported on various blog sites (including Microsoft forums). One problem is that deleted emails keep returning day after day.[4] Another development that caused complaints is the Live Mail Sent folder erroneously containing the name of the Sender rather than the Recipient in the To column, while omitting the sender's account name in the Account column (as the fault only affects that folder, a workaround is to move sent items into a new folder, named - for example - "Sent 2019").[5] Discussions on the forums have provided no clear solutions to these issues.

Windows Live Mail moved away from the older Microsoft mail programs, such as Outlook Express, which stored all e-mails comprising a folder (such as the Inbox) in a single .dbx file. In order to provide greater flexibility (and to avoid the problem where corruption of a single .dbx file could delete multiple emails), Windows Live Mail stores each email message as a separate .eml file. Only the folder structure is maintained in a single database file, using the ESE (Extensible Storage Engine) database structure, named Mail.MSMessageStore (which also holds some metadata for each .eml file on the system, so can be a huge file). The program also maintains a backup copy of that file, in the Backup sub-folder, so problems are rare. At a pinch, the Mail.MSMessageStore file can be recreated from the data in the .eml files.

Once the account has been configured, you can move the folders from your local storage into the IMAP account. For the default folders, such as Inbox and Sent Items, you must move the individual emails. Note that you can select multiple emails at once or select them all via CTRL+A.

Once everything has been uploaded, you can configure the IMAP account in Outlook to download all the emails again. Note that it is recommended to configure an account as an Exchange account instead. Outlook will do this automatically via the Add Account wizard.

When you have emails stored in the eml format, then you can open these in Outlook but you can also import them in bulk. This allows you to import emails you obtained in one of (but not limited to) the following scenarios;

Windows Live Mail synchronizes with Windows Live Hotmail by default, so whatever you see on the web is mirrored on your PC. If you want to keep an archive on the web but not locally (however wise that may or may not be), you can probably achieve it by doing the following:(1) If you've set up WLMail to "Send and receive messages at startup" and "Check for new messages every n minutes", disconnect your Internet connection.(2) Open WLMail and uncheck both those options at Options > General.(3) Right-click on the Hotmail account and uncheck "Include this account when receiving mail or synchronizing"(4) Right-click on the Hotmail Inbox and select Properties > Synchronize. Uncheck "When synchronizing this folder".(5) Do the same for any other folders you might have containing messages you don't want to download.(6) Close down WLMail.(7) Connect to the Internet and log in to your Hotmail account on the web.(8) Set up an archive folder (New > Folder).(9) Move (drag and drop) a couple of the messages you want to archive into the new folder.(10) Log off again and restart WLMail.(11) Send/receive for your Hotmail account. Click once on the status message in the bottom right-hand corner to open the progress window so you can see which Hotmail folders are being processed.(12) Check that your new folder appears under your Hotmail account in the Folder pane. If it doesn't, wait a few minutes and send/receive again until it does.(13) Right-click on the new folder and select Properties. On the Synchronize tab, uncheck the "When synchronizing this folder" box.(14) Right-click on Inbox and select Properties > Synchronize. Check "When synchronizing this folder" and select the options you want.(15) Close down WLMail again.(16) Log back in to Hotmail on the web and move all the messages you don't want to download into the new folder. Log out again.(17) Restart WLMail, do a Send/receive again and check again that it's downloading only from the folders you want.If this works, you can re-instate the settings you altered at (2) and (3). If it doesn't, don't blame me. I'm not entirely sure that unchecking "When synchronizing this folder" sticks, and I haven't tested to find out why.If, when you try it, you find that you're suddenly downloading unwanted messages, click "Working online" in the status bar. That should stop the download eventually.Whatever happens, please post back to tell us.-- NoelPlease post messages about Windows Live Mail to the appropriate newsgroup:news:// -us/default.aspx?

On a lighter side..though after reading, all those steps could be a selling point for converting a hotmail account to Plus and use pop3-- ...winstonms-mvp windows live mail"Ildhund" wrote in message news:OBI1xkle...@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...

Two points:(a) If you'd seen all the posts in a variety of fora from people who have lost all their messages from Hotmail, you might want to reconsider. I don't think I'd ever regard Hotmail storage as anything other than a secondary backup for valuable data.(b) There have been far more posts here from people asking how to *avoid* keeping their messages on the server once they have been downloaded. People have different wants and needs; WLMail and Hotmail balance these off and try to achieve a happy medium. The problem with that is that those who are satisfied don't say anything; it's only the ones who aren't that make themselves heard.Perhaps someone else in a similar situation to yours will try out my complicated procedure and tell us whether it works...-- Noel

With a good few in the first camp who don't know how to set up thelocal account so do all their email, reading and creating, online usingtheir browser. ISPs seem to be encouraging it;"Available at no additional cost, (Pipex) NetMail enables you tosecurely read, reply and even compose new emails on-line. We have alsoincluded extra facilities such as personalised folders, address book andspell checking facilities."Handy when you're away from the home PC, but I like to keep emailin-house.-- cpemma

A good example would be an IMAP account I have with 6 gigs of storage that I pay about $25 per year for. I have that IMAP account on my tablet pc in Outlook, on one of my home laptops in WLM and Thunderbird, on a second Linux Laptop in Thunderbird and on a desktop in WM. Every time I log on to one of the machines I have access to all the same email on all of those machines and email clients. If I'm at a clients office without a pc (not common) I can use the web based interface to access the same email and account. It gives me the option of both a web based mail client or a local client. Most of the time I prefer a local client but there are times when the web based interface comes in handy and may be the only option available.I also use more than one email provider so email archived on hotmail's servers for example can easily be copied to identical folders on another provider which means my email is backed up on two different provider's servers.The more one travels as you point out, the more one appreciates access to offline reading so a local message store is a must. I use a tablet pc at the office and it travels with me to meetings throughout the day so sometimes it is docked and other times it is not. I can keep reading and composing messages, and with Outlook: Tasks, Appointments, Contacts all offline knowing they will be synced with the server the next time I dock or connect. The local message store is also a must for working on planes or when your ISP or mail provider happens to go down. I was recently on holidays in Mexico where the wireless Internet connection did not reach to my hotel room so I would stop by the lobby, download all my messages and then read and respond offline later from my room.With server based mail, even if one prefers having their email only stored locally, you can, just by filing the messages from your Inbox into local folders. I personally would never go back to using POP accounts as there seems to be no real advantage to them. With free WLHotmail 6 gig HTTP accounts and free Gmail 6 gig IMAP accounts cost is no longer a barrier to server based email. Even if you have a POP address that you are unwilling to give up, adding an IMAP or HTTP account gives you the ability to file your POP mail on to the HTTP or IMAP server for flexibility in getting to your email archive or backing up your local mail. Exporting and Importing email becomes a thing of the past. 350c69d7ab


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